INTUITION = PROFIT???? CEO’s With Higher Intuitive Testing Scores, Also Had The Greatest Corresponding Profitability. Mary Schechter theintuitiveorganization According to research done by John Mihalasky, Professor Emeritus, of New Jersey Institute of Technology, over a period of 5 years, those individuals that scored 81.5 % above chance when assessed, also demonstrated profits of 100% or greater in the same time frame. Interesting, huh? At the other end of the continuum, the CEO’s with the poorest results scored 0% above chance in all cases. Thoughts are powerful: we have 60,000 a day. Where will you focus your attention? Throw out your list for today- step out of linear thought and to-do’s for 5 minutes today. You will refresh your mind and body, opening yourself to new levels of creativity.
